Monster Media's Windows Collection 2
Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO
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APW40.ZIP 998594 01/06/96 [00] Account Pro v4.0. Trilingual (English/
+French/ German) double-entry accounting/fin.
+planning program. Handles up to 2,000 books
+with 1,000 accounts/16,300 transactions.
AR_SIM13.ZIP 304804 01/01/96 [00] Simple Accounts Receivable v1.33 <ASP>
+Accounts Receivable program for those who do
+not require invoicing. Audit trail, trial
+balance, on-line help, on-line look-ups,
+customer statements, mailing labels,
+user-defined transaction codes, more.
BCR324.ZIP 326720 03/10/96 [00] BusinessCards v3.24 <ASP> Extremely
+intuitive and easy to use free form
+database/organizer. Elegant folio-like user
+interface with tabs and flipping pages.
+Includes FREE BusinessDialer v1.13!
BKIT11B.ZIP 1674907 01/30/96 [00] Book-It v1.1 <ASP> Club membership and
+activity booking system for clubs, hobby
+groups, holiday and activity organisations
+etc. Includes enquiry follow up, membership
+administration, activity and supplier
BRGEXE1.ZIP 1207702 04/08/96 [00] Personality Plus. Test prospective employees
+for their suitability. The person taking the
+test will answer questions regarding
+decision-making, emotional response,
+confidence, and much more. Prints a detailed
CHRNLG20.ZIP 169719 03/31/96 [00] ChronLOG v2.0. Group/resource scheduler
+ideal for scheduling employees, conference
+rooms, equipment checkout and/or
+reservations, or any other shared items.
CLIENT.ZIP 1526226 04/09/96 [00] Client Tracking for "Dummies" v2.12. Keeps
+track of clients by group, employer, or
+company name. You can also track family
+information, client's activities, products
+or services clients may be interested in,
+referrals, and other information.
CPWIN11.ZIP 3745933 03/30/96 [00] Contact Plus Personal v1.1. Includes smart
+autodialer, word processing interfaces, user
+defined fields, multiple databases,
+categories, quick pick data entry, calendars
+with drag and drop, recurring events, more.
CONTRACT.ZIP 146055 01/11/96 [00] Contract Master v1.00.3. Contractor's agent
+tracking and invoicing system. Requires
+Microsoft Access 2.0.
CSTAR100.ZIP 499308 03/09/96 [00] CallStar v1.00 <ASP> Contact Manager.
+Companion product to PlanStar (Resource
+Scheduler). Allows for indexing on any data
+field (i.e. list entries by city,
+organization name, etc). Autodial. Maintains
+contact history. Prints reports/labels.
DLGW15B.ZIP 802586 04/20/96 [00] Delegator v1.15b <ASP> Delegation and
+performance tracking system for line
+managers and others who coordinate the work
+of others. Track assignments; plan
+workloads; manage projects; review long term
+performance; more.
DYNM20D.ZIP 691344 01/30/96 [00] DynaMetrics v1.7. Business Model/Plan
+Dynamic work flow analysis. Balance
+resources, customer waiting times. Find
+bottlenecks, idle equipment, saturation
+points. Organize on the computer, not the
+shop floor or your customers.
EASINVW.ZIP 653176 02/07/96 [00] Easy Inventory v1.2. Inventory package for
+small businesses or in-house uses handles
+inventory, sales, invoices, accounts
+receivable, statements and more.
EREPRT11.ZIP 78669 02/05/96 [00] E-report v1.1 <ASP> Don't print your
+management reports! E-report reads all ASCII
+print files and automatically creates
+permanent indexed hierarchical outlines of
+the reports. Innovative Indexing-by-Example
EZTIME96.ZIP 158639 02/18/96 [00] EZTime v96 <ASP>(ESC) Design program for the
+popular 555 timer. Educators and engineers
+can quickly explore many designs in a short
+time. EZTIME instantly displays oscillator
+circuit parameters in both graphical and
+numeric form.
FFBMGR.ZIP 509508 01/28/96 [00] FF Billing Manager v3.40 <ASP> Billing
+program that includes multiple companies,
+three invoice formats, unlimited customers,
+over 10 customizable reports and much more!
+Designed for any type of business.
FIREW203.ZIP 297219 02/18/96 [00] Firefighter v2.03. Fire Department record
+tracking database. Tracks incident,
+training, maintenance and roster records
+along with wage and/or honourarium records.
GE_31.ZIP 1048920 04/16/96 [00] GroupEase v3.1. Set of personal productivity
+tools for offices that use Windows in a
+networked environment. A handy toolbar
+provides access to business card data,
+personal notes and reminders, phone
+messages, and on-line chat.
HDHELPER.ZIP 1158428 02/13/96 [00] HelpDesk Helper v2.0a. Help desk management
+system that provides call tracking, problem/
+solution lookups, logic tree, paging, auto
+dialing and email.
INV31AI.ZIP 512981 04/15/96 [00] Invoicing, POS and Customer Tracking for the
+small business. Ideal for any mailorder,
+retail or any business requiring invoicing.
+Maintains customers, sales personnel,
+inventory management, vendors, invoicing,
+payments, packing slips, more.
IRWIN.ZIP 3191807 04/15/96 [00] Irwin v1.02 <ASP> Inventory Reconciliation
+supports sell, order, receive transactions
+and maintains extensive transaction history.
+Tracks counts, order points, orders,
+backorders, and vendors.
JWRKS4_1.ZIP 1380619 02/22/96 [00] J-Works v4.0 <ASP> Makes residential load
+calculation very easy and delivers quick and
+accurate results. Heating and cooling
+multipliers as well as weather data for over
+750 US cities is included. 1/3.
JWRKS4_2.ZIP 1393053 02/22/96 [00] J-Works v4.0 for Windows. 2/3.
JWRKS4_3.ZIP 727186 02/22/96 [00] J-Works v4.0 for Windows. 3/3.
LEASE20.ZIP 88715 01/15/96 [00] Lease Consultant v2.0. Helps you check the
+dealer's lease offer in two ways: calculates
+the monthly lease payment from the terms
+agreed upon and calculates the car's sale
+price from the monthly lease payment.
MWAP13.ZIP 159921 02/14/96 [00] Medlin Windows Accounts Payable v1.3 <ASP>
+A/P and check writing program for small
+businesses. Prints reports for any period or
+combination of periods. Reports can be
+previewed on screen and saved to a file.
MWGL13.ZIP 149555 02/14/96 [00] Medlin Windows General Ledger v1.3 <ASP>
+Double entry general ledger program for
+small businesses. Prints general ledger,
+transaction listing, income statement and
+balance sheet reports for any period or
+combination of periods.
MWPR196.ZIP 145520 01/16/96 [00] Medlin Windows Payroll Writing v1.96 <ASP>
+Complete easy to use payroll writing
+program. Built-in State & Federal tables. Up
+to 4 user set deductions allow for tips,
+401k, medical deductions, disability
+insurance, local taxes, etc.
PAYWIN12.ZIP 824427 01/01/96 [00] PayWindow v1.2. Pay by any pay period;
+hourly, salaried, commissioned, non-employee
+workers; prints Checks, W2s, 1099-MISC forms
+and reports galore! Builtin data backup and
+restore with file compression.
PFOCUS31.ZIP 1083638 01/19/96 [00] PageFocus v3.1. Productivity tool for
+creating form/ drawing/ document/ database:
+letter, brochure, form, invoice, document,
+electronic book, catalog, etc., or create
+your form application.
PHOTOFIL.ZIP 689885 02/14/96 [00] PhotoFiler. Powerful database tool for
+serious photographers. Includes space for
+general, technical, and darkroom/lab notes
+for each shot. Search engine allows
+searching on any notes. Supports GIF, PCX,
+BMP, JPEG, and PNG files.
POSTAGE.ZIP 225750 04/16/96 [00] Postage $aver v2.0. Sorts one or more data
+files according to USPS requirements for
+third class bulk mail. Produces a report
+showing the composition of all mail packages
+and mail sacks, and the piece counts and
+postage totals.
PPLAN124.ZIP 2895351 02/18/96 [00] Power Planner v1.24. Project Planning
+System. Based on Access database, SQL report
+writer, critical path analysis, resource
+levelling, cost and earned value
+calculation, calendars in minutes, hours,
+days, weeks.
PSCOPL11.ZIP 1096538 02/20/96 [00] Product Scope Lite v1.1. Keep multiple price
+quotes for products; manufacturer and vendor
+information; 10 lines of featured
+information for each product; paragraph
+style memos; preview reports with zoom
+feature and more!
PSTAR200.ZIP 792323 01/18/96 [00] PlanStar v2.00 <ASP> Resource Scheduling
+System tracks categorized events, and
+records/summarizes hours and dollars for
+multiple resource types, in one integrated
RDSCHECK.ZIP 747117 04/16/96 [00] Rapid Deposit System. Let's your business
+accept checking account information by fax
+or phone from your customers and produce
+checks on your printer and deposit them the
+same day. Several different check formats
+are supported.
RSCH10A.ZIP 761372 04/11/96 [00] Ressched v1.0a <ASP> Scheduling for people,
+equipment, facilities and other resources.
+Sophisticated, but easy to use. Features
+include: group scheduling of resources; many
+options for repeat scheduling, flexible
+conflict checking, more.
SDRAW205.ZIP 515127 02/04/96 [00] SmartDraw v2.05. Draw & Flowchart program
+that lets anyone draw great looking
+flowcharts, diagrams and business graphics.
+Better value and easier to use than Visio.
TIMECD1.ZIP 108955 02/14/96 [00] Time Card. Employee time calculation package
+based on a bi-weekly pay period, but can be
+used for weekly calculations.
UNGAME21.ZIP 225132 02/20/96 [00] No Games at Work! v2.1. Have you ever
+considered how many employee working hours
+are wasted playing PC games? What about
+network performance degradation and wasted
+disk space? YOU could achieve substantial
VIDEO20X.ZIP 484206 04/06/96 [00] Video Store v2.0. Video Rental Store POS
+system. Tracks customers, rentals & sales,
+inventory management, late charges, taxes,
+payments, mailing labels, customized
+reports, network ready, plus much more! Very
+simple to learn and use.
WHOWKS50.ZIP 118751 03/25/96 [00] WhoWorks v5.0. Allows the user to create 1
+to 10-week work schedules for up to 128
+employees. Simplified schedule preparation
+leaves more time for your main priorities.
WSASS110.ZIP 955385 01/20/96 [00] Wizard Shareware System v1.11. Complete
+software office system. Supports customer
+processing, order processing, help desk
+support handling, calculation of time spent
+on calls, complete records to product
+problems and more.